

Best Thermometers for Your BBQ
When you are first looking for a meat thermometer you might think it is an easy buy but there is a whole world of different tech out there with so many thermometers for various applications, it is easy to see why you would be left confused.
The best thermometers may actually be misnamed - meat may be their primary use but they are actually very versatile and great for baking, fish and even veggies too! With Summer now in full flow and barbecues firing up on evenings across the country, there is no better time to get hold of arguably the most important BBQ accessory of them all, a decent thermometer!
Having a decent thermometer is a surefire way to take out the guesswork and ensure your end up with delicious food instead of not-so-delicious food poisoning.
With the digital era, there are now two varieties of cooking thermometers, the Classic thermometer and the techy Smart Thermometer. Both show you the internal temperature but the smart thermometers show you the temperature on your phone through an app via Bluetooth.
Obviously, the Smart Thermometers are a little more pricey than the Classic Thermometers so it really depends on budget and your use.
Here are our top picks coming right up!