After a recent trip to visit family in Canada, we returned with a taste for sweet Bacon, not just sugary bacon, Maple Bacon.
This bacon is just perfect to wake up to on those wintery weekend mornings with the salty sweetness making it hard not to go back for more.
The Bacon curing process itself is extremely easy and a great starting place for total beginners wanting to start the meat curing journey. There is no need to control temperature or humidity, so no need for a dedicated dry curing chamber. Simply use a regular fridge, as long as it has enough space.
When it comes to meat for this recipe, we will be using pork belly as this makes beautiful slices of streaky bacon and of course, we are going for the Canadian style appeal here. The fresher the better, so be sure to go to your local butcher. It usually comes with the skin on but for this recipe, having it removed is best.
There are many bacon cures out there but for this recipe, we are using Weschenfelder Pökel Salz Bacon cure. This is a pre-made blend that is ready to use. This low nitrite bacon cure has been designed to suit modern-day tastes for less salty bacon, whilst making sure it is cured all the way through to retain that lovely pink colour. Pökel Salz can also be used as a plain bacon cure and produces a lovely farmhouse-style bacon.
The Meat
2kg belly pork
The Curing Salt
70g Pökel Salz Bacon Cure (3.5% the weight of the meat)
The Flavour
2g ground black pepper (0.1%)
20-30ml High-Quality Maple Syrup (1-1.5%)
1. Combine your maple syrup and black pepper. Mix Thoroughly.
2. On a tray cover your pork belly with the maple syrup and black mixture covering it with your hands, getting it all into the nooks and crannies.
3. Weigh out your Pökel Salz Bacon Cure and evenly rub it through the meat. The salt should stick to the maple syrup ensuring no excess goes onto the tray.
4. Place your meat in a zip lock food grade bag or a large vac bag and pour in any excess maple syrup or salt that might be left on your tray.
5. Put the meat into the fridge. After the first 24 hours, take the meat out of the fridge and massage the meat ensuring the cure is worked well into the surface of the meat. Place the meat back into the fridge.
6. Let the meat cure for 5-7 days in the fridge, turning daily and giving it a light massage.
7. Once cured, dispose of the bag and pat dry using a paper towel.
8. Place the meat onto a food tray and place the meat back into the fridge for 3-5 days allowing the meat to air dry.
9. It is now ready to be sliced and cooked! Be quick as it won't last long.
Weschenfelder Top Tip - Why not go one step further and give this sweet bacon a smoked finish? Use a ProQ Cold Smoker under a BBQ to add a mahogany finish to your bacon without rendering the fat.
This is a true bacon luxury.
To Serve: Serve with Pancakes as a weekend treat!